Social Media Marketing Questionnaire After you fill out this form, we will contact you to go over details and availability before the order is completed. If you would like faster service and direct information and pricing please contact us at What is your purpose on social media? What is your brand’s objective? What do you hope to achieve using social media? How will you know you’ve achieved it? What’s the biggest barrier to your success on social media? How does social media fit into your growth plan? Describe your target audience. Who are they? How does your brand engage them? Describe your brand voice. What tone should social media updates have? What is the main message your brand is trying to communicate? What makes your brand different from others? Why do people choose you over your competitors? What’s your brand vision? What resources do you have available for content creation? How often do you want to publish new content to your profiles? How does social media tie in with your offline campaigns? What type of content does your audience respond to best (if known)? What type of content do you want to create for your audience (images, video, quotes, blog posts, etc.)? What message are you trying to send with your content? How do you use user-generated content in your campaigns? What holidays does your client want to observe? What profiles do you have and on which social platform? Are you looking to expand onto new networks? Are you looking to narrow your focus to fewer networks? Do you want to provide customer service on social media? If so, on which platform and from which profile? How do you intend to measure return on investment? What is working for you (and not working) right now? How does social media fit into your sales funnel or buyer’s journey? What have you tried in the past? Have you got any tracking pixels installed on your site? Send